Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christma!

Christmas, also called Christmas Day, is an annual holiday that is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ-the founder of Christianity. The Christmas day is chiefly marked every year on 25th December by the Christians but the festival of Christmas conveys the message of affection, peace, brotherhood and fraternity among all so it transcends the barricades of color, caste and creeds and celebrated by non-Christians as well, all over the world.

The fun, gaiety, joy and excitement associated with Christmas has made it a social-cultural festival which is observed with special prayers, Church celebrations, family get-together, gifts giving, adorning the homes with beautiful decoratives, lights, stars, Christmas Tree. Santa Claus, also called Father Christmas, is an integral part of Christmas celebrations who is loved by all, specially children, and brings gifts in his red sack on the day of Christmas.

History of Christmas
Historians claim that the first celebration of Christmas happened in Rome in 336 A.D. Early Romans, however, could not profess their religion openly as Christianity had grown up in blood and tears in Rome. It was only after the conversion of Emperor Constantine to Christianity in 4th century A.D that the religion came to be followed by vast masses of humanity. This community then felt the need to celebrate the birth of Christ as a festival. But different groups had been celebrating Jesus's birth on different dates like 6th January, 19th April, 20th May, 17th November, 25th December. By the 5th century A.D. 25th December got accepted as the most suitable date in the Western World and gradually the Eastern Churches fell in line with the west.

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